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Tormenta en el Ártico

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Tormenta en el Ártico

A foundered Victorian ship looking for the fabled Northwest Passage holds a secret in its icy grave... When Dirk Pitt of NUMAr is almost blown to pieces in a lab explosion, he suspects sabotage. The lab in question belongs to a scientist hoping to use a rare mineral to combat greenhouse gases - but who would want to destroy our one chance to save the planet? However, there are those who will do anything to control such a valuable prize. Pitt's investigations take him to the Arctic in search of a clue to the origins of this precious mineral. There he and NUMAr colleague Al Giordino must battle for survival against the hostile elements and evil megalomaniac who is about to plunge the North American continent into war.

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Número de páginas 480



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