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Camino Al Español

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Camino Al Español

This intensive course is expressly designed to lead the adult beginner to a comprehensive knowledge of Spanish. The course gives balanced attention to the four key language skills: the development of listening comprehension and speaking skills is supported by quality audio materials recorded by native speakers, while answer keys support written work and grammar-acquisition exercises, and facilitate independent study. Authentic written materials develop important receptive skills and encourage the transition to independent reading. - Based on a style of Spanish easily understood by most speakers, thoughtful explanations make clear the main differences between peninsular and Latin American forms and usage - Features an abundance of pair and group work activities ideal for classroom use - Authentic materials and website references foster cultural awareness - Clear, attractive layout with lively illustrations to reinforce learning - Extensive reference features including a grammar guide, verb tables and vocabulary lists - Teachers' guidelines promote practical application in the classroom

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Número de páginas 443


  • Consuelo De Andrés Martínez
  • Eugenia Ariza Bruce
  • Anthony Trippett


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