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Vogue and The Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Vogue and The Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute

The Metropolitan Museum of Art's annual Costume Institute exhibition is the most spectacular event of its kind. With subjects that both reflect the zeitgeist and contribute to its creation, each exhibi-tion--from 2005's Chanel, to 2011's Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty and 2013's Punk--creates a provocative and engaging narrative attracting hundreds of thousands of visitors. The show's opening-night gala, produced in collaboration with Vogue magazine and attended by the likes of Beyonc , George Clooney, and Hillary Clinton, is regularly referred to as the Party of the Year. Covering the Costume Institute's history and highlighting exhibitions of the 21st century curated by Harold Koda and Andrew Bolton, this book offers insider access of the first order. Anchored by photo-graphs from the exhibitions themselves in tandem with the Vogue fashion shoots they inspired, it also includes images of exhibited objects and party photos from the galas. Drawn from the extensive Vogue archives, the featured stories showcase the photographs of icons such as Annie Leibovitz, Mario Testino, Steven Meisel, and Craig McDean; the vision of legendary Vogue editors like Grace Coddington and Tonne Goodman; and the knowledge and wit of writers such as Hamish Bowles and Jonathan Van Meter.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : Parties, Exhibitions, People


  • Hamish Bowles


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