Una herencia peligrosa / A Dangerous Legacy
Sinopsis del Libro

El mismo día en que Amanda Black cumple trece años recibe una carta misteriosa que cambiará su vida. Y de qué manera. De vivir casi en la miseria, ella y su tía Paula pasan a mudarse a una mansión gigantesca y laberíntica que ha pertenecido a la familia Black durante generaciones. Por si fuera poco, el cuerpo de Amanda empieza a manifestar habilidades insospechadas y averigua que debe tomar posesión de un legado familiar apasionante, secreto y peligroso, para el que deberá comenzar a entrenarse de inmediato. ¿Estará Amanda a la altura de lo que se espera de ella? ¿De lo que sus padres, y todos los Black antes que ellos, lucharon por perpetuar y proteger? ENGLISH DESCRIPTION The new middle-grade series by the bestselling thriller author of today. The very same day Amanda Black turns thirteen, she receives a mysterious letter that will change her life. And in such a way. After living in squalor, she and her aunt Paula now move to a colossal and labyrinthine manor that has been in the Black family for generations. On top of that, Amanda’s body begins to manifest unsuspected abilities, and she learns she must take overa gripping, secret, and dangerous family legacy, for which shemust immediately begin her training. Will Amanda live up to what is expected of her? To what her parents and every other Black before them fought to immortalize and protect? JUAN GÓMEZ-JURADO is the bestselling thriller author of today. He is a journalist, creatorof the successful thrillernovels inthe Antonia Scott universe, which havesold over a million copies. BÁRBARA MONTES is a child psychologist and avid reader. Together they present anew adventure and mystery collection for children over seven years old, filled with frantic and heart-pounding action.
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