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Thomas Edison

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison is considered by many to be one of the greatest inventors of all time. His creations changed the world, but there was more to his life than just his inventions. Readers of this engaging volume will learn all about the man behind the innovations. This fascinating biography introduces important subjects and encourages a further interest in history. Concise and accessible text paired with vibrant photographs is sure to captivate audiences of many ages and levels.

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Número de páginas 24



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Libro Eskoria

En las paredes de su cuarto no hay fotos de futbolistas. En su equipo de música no suenan cantantes clónicos ni ritmos prefabricados. En sus estanterías no se acumulan medallas deportivas. En su armario no guarda ropa de marca, confeccionada siguiendo la última moda. En clase escucha y toma apuntes... ¿Es motivo suficiente para llamarle "Eskoria"?

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