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¡Pop! Presión del aire y del agua (Pop! Air and Water Pressure) 6-Pack

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro ¡Pop! Presión del aire y del agua (Pop! Air and Water Pressure) 6-Pack

What does swimming in a pool, drinking through a straw, breathing in air, and circulating blood all have in common? They all require a form of air or water pressure! Readers will discover the variety of ways that air and water pressure make an impact on our lives and the things in them. This fact-filled, Spanish-translated nonfiction title includes real-life examples and basic experiments to aid in the development of understanding physic and scientific concepts. Readers will be introduced to and learn about Archimedes Principle, atmospheric pressure, vacuums, water density, and hydraulics through the use of informational text and stimulating facts in conjunction with vivid images and helpful graphs and diagrams. This 6-Pack includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : Challenging Plus

Número de páginas 64



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Accelerate through the pages of this book and introduce readers to physics and how it assists objects to move. This stimulating, Spanish-translated nonfiction title includes real-life examples and basic experiments to facilitate further understanding of physics. Readers will learn about velocity, Newton's Second Law of Motion, thrust, gravity, momentum, and g-force through vibrant and colorful images, fascinating facts in conjunction with informational text, accommodating graphs and diagrams.

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Libro Hablemos claro: La verdad sobre la comida (Straight Talk: The Truth About Food) 6-Pack

Encourage readers to discover which foods are healthy for them and how to make the best food choices with this Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Featuring helpful charts and diagrams, interesting facts, informational text, and vibrant, detailed photos, readers are introduced to important concepts such as main food groups, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, the recommended daily amounts, food allergies, and health concerns. With supportive and helpful language, readers are encouraged to make healthy eating choices to help keep them active, energetic, and strong. This 6-Pack includes six copies ...

Hablemos claro: Alcohol y drogas (Straight Talk: Drugs and Alcohol)

Libro Hablemos claro: Alcohol y drogas (Straight Talk: Drugs and Alcohol)

Readers are given helpful information about the dangers of drugs and alcohol, including narcotics, hallucinogens, and prescription medications in this Spanish-translated nonfiction book. Through detailed images, diagrams, informational text, an index, a glossary of terms, and a list of websites that provide additional information, readers are given the tools and information they need to educate themselves about addiction, drug abuse, the health and social issues that drugs and alcohol can cause, and how to say no to peer pressure.

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