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La formación de un nuevo gobierno

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro La formación de un nuevo gobierno

How do you truly engage students in learning history? When students make personal connections to the subject, they’re much more motivated to learn. This Spanish book provides firsthand accounts of history that give personal insights into historical events. Students will learn about the U.S. Constitution, the Articles of Confederation, the Connecticut Compromise, and the Bill of Rights. With a visually appealing layout, this book features captivating text, fun facts, sidebars, and time lines that help students grasp the essential concepts they need to know at their grade level. Packed with information and primary source maps, images, and documents, these books are perfect for reports or projects. The Read and Respond post-reading questions and a culminating activity sharpen critical-thinking skills while building reading comprehension and vocabulary.

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Subtitulo : Read Along or Enhanced eBook



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31 Valoraciones Totales

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Libro Hablemos claro: Alcohol y drogas (Straight Talk: Drugs and Alcohol)

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