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iMamá, Gracias!

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro iMamá, Gracias!

Parents are the key in sport development. The roles that parents develop in sport with their children, either in a leisure or competitive way, are complex and varied. However, the literature that makes a distinction between the father and the mother is very limited. This book has expected, therefore, to contribute to know much better the mothers´ role in that sport development. Her presence has always been obscured by the male perception of the sport activity. To give the mothers voice and presence has been the main goal of this book. Mum, thanks! Is an appreciation to the work that many mothers have carried out and they still do, to favor that their elite sport athletes face the sport in the healthiest possible way.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : El papel de las madres en el desarrollo de la excelencia en el deporte

Número de páginas 82



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iMamá, Gracias! – El papel de las madres en el desarrollo de la excelencia en el deporte

Libro iMamá, Gracias! – El papel de las madres en el desarrollo de la excelencia en el deporte

Parents are the key in sport development. The roles that parents develop in sport with their children, either in a leisure or competitive way, are complex and varied. However, the literature that makes a distinction between the father and the mother is very limited. This book has expected, therefore, to contribute to know much better the mothers´ role in that sport development. Her presence has always been obscured by the male perception of the sport activity. To give the mothers voice and presence has been the main goal of this book. Mum, thanks! Is an appreciation to the work that many...

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iMamá, Gracias! – El papel de las madres en el desarrollo de la excelencia en el deporte

Libro iMamá, Gracias! – El papel de las madres en el desarrollo de la excelencia en el deporte

Parents are the key in sport development. The roles that parents develop in sport with their children, either in a leisure or competitive way, are complex and varied. However, the literature that makes a distinction between the father and the mother is very limited. This book has expected, therefore, to contribute to know much better the mothers´ role in that sport development. Her presence has always been obscured by the male perception of the sport activity. To give the mothers voice and presence has been the main goal of this book. Mum, thanks! Is an appreciation to the work that many...

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