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Hoy Dìa

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Hoy Dìa

This access code card gives you 6-month access to all of MySpanishLab’s grade-boosting resources… PLUS a complete e-book of your textbook! MySpanishLab™ is one of Pearson’s highly successful online learning and assessment systems for basic language courses, MyLanguageLab. Developed in close collaboration with language instructors across the nation, MyLanguageLabs is designed to address the unique challenges faced by today’s language teachers and language learners. MySpanishLab™ brings together — in one convenient, easily navigable site— a wide array of language-learning tools and resources, including an interactive version of the Hoy día student text, online versions of the Student Activities Manual, and all materials from the audio and video programs. Readiness checks, chapter tests, and tutorials personalize instruction to meet the unique needs of individual students.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Número de páginas 272


  • John T. Mcminn
  • Nuria Alonso Garca


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