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Una guía para niños para estar a salvo (A Kid's Guide to Keeping Safe)

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Una guía para niños para estar a salvo (A Kid's Guide to Keeping Safe)

As the COVID-19 pandemic has spread around the world, it's left many adults and children searching for answers about how they can stay safe. By focusing on facts presented in a relatable way rather than fear, this illustrated guide to health and safety gives children the tools they need to understand what's happening in the world and to discover how they can become a virus warrior. Facts about coronaviruses are paired with essential information about social distancing, personal hygiene, and the things we can control in uncertain times, creating a learning experience designed to reduce anxiety. From Dr. Neil Winawer, Hospitalist and Professor of Medicine, Emory University School of Medicine: "My son Matthew and I read Be a Virus Warrior! A Kid's Guide to Keeping Safe together. In a time when children and parents are looking for information about COVID-19, in a time of uncertainty, we found this book to be medically accurate, useful, and a good read."

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Número de páginas 24


  • Eloise Macgregor


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