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Sopa de pollo para el alma del amante de los caballos

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Sopa de pollo para el alma del amante de los caballos

Chicken Soup for the Horse Lover's Soul is filled with inspiring stories of rescue and rehabilitation, heartbreaking losses, dedication and commitment, and positive messages of responsibility and unconditional love. Readers will enjoy uplifting and humorous stories that depict the horse's intelligence, versatility and intuitiveness; they will discover the horse's healing powers, marvel at the graceful performance of a Grand Prix Dressage winner, be awed by the stamina and strength of a working horse and the athletic prowess of a champion racer. In exchange for our love and companionship, horses teach us, heal us, protect us and guide us. Chicken Soup for the Horse Lover's Soul is a worthy celebration of a very noble creature.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : Relatos inspiradoros sobre caballos y la gente que los quiere

Número de páginas 384



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35 Valoraciones Totales

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