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Modelos de investigación cualitativa en educación social y animación sociocultural

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Modelos de investigación cualitativa en educación social y animación sociocultural

MODELS OF QUALITATIVE RESEARCH IN SOCIAL EDUCATION AND SOCIO CULTURAL ANIMATION - Practical applications - This book tries to combine the reflection on a concrete methodology, and its practical application to the ambience of the social field. The author wants to harmonize in this way, “knowledge” with “the knowledge to do” and invites us and to involve the heart as well as our intelligence in the work that we carry out. The book offers valuable guides and it provides hints to carry out quality research.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : Aplicaciones prácticas

Número de páginas 320


  • Gloria Pérez Serrano


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