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Caramelo con Thomas Edison

Sinopsis del Libro

Libro Caramelo con Thomas Edison

The school bake sale is coming up, and Finley’s quest to invent the perfect new cupcake is a disaster! According to his little sister, Fiona, the cupcakes taste like moldy vegetables. When the inventor Thomas Edison visits the family’s Sweets Shop, Finley and Fiona embark on a sweet adventure through history. Will Finley discover the all important ingredients to create his own culinary invention? Or will he be forced to give up his Cupcake King title? Fiona and Finely are brother and sister who spend their time helping in their parent’s sweet shop, baking, going to school, oh yeah, and traveling through time! Flying over the Atlantic, helping with the Underground Railroad, and seeing the discovery of electricity are just a few of the many adventures Fiona and Finely go on. Time Hop Sweets Shop introduces influential historical figures with engaging adventures. Each book in the series has a short biography, comprehension questions, and a Q & A with the author.

Ficha Técnica del Libro

Subtitulo : Toffee with Thomas Edison

Número de páginas 32


  • Kyla Steinkraus


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