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Libros de Marshall Goldsmith (2 libros)

Coaching for Leadership

Libro Coaching for Leadership

THE THIRD EDITION of the classic book Coaching for Leadership is written for today’s coaches who are challenged with the task of combining concepts from various disciplines in order to help their clients, especially high-potential leaders, learn and succeed. In this sense, coaches have to become discriminating eclectics, developing a keen sense of judgment to select which ideas are best woven into their coaching method and which concepts are best to ignore. Coaching for Leadership is intended to be a cherished companion in that learning journey presented by the world’s greatest coaches,...

Un nuevo impulso

Libro Un nuevo impulso

¿Qué cualidades distinguen a un buen líder? en el mundo empresarial abundan los ejecutivos brillantes, hombres y mujeres que a lo largo de sus carreras han demostrado poseer inteligencia, carisma y espíritu competitivo. Sin embargo, sólo una minoría conse